Europa universalis 4 extended timeline mod how to convert
Europa universalis 4 extended timeline mod how to convert

europa universalis 4 extended timeline mod how to convert

  • Feel free to consult these files for specific conversion effects, both for reforms and for source governments.
  • For example a republic with peasants_republic reform will in fact convert as proletarian_dictatorship.
  • EU4 government reforms (with Dharma) can impact government conversion, according to reform_effects.txt.
  • Government conversion is defined in government_mapping.txt.
  • As religion plays little role in Vic2, there are no special mechanics regarding it.
  • Feel free to edit the file if unhappy with results.

    europa universalis 4 extended timeline mod how to convert

  • Religions are updated according to religion_map.txt.
  • Converting everyone via Everyone option is very detrimental to the gameplay as it will eliminate crisis hotspots, nationalist rebels, mess with emigration and so on.
  • Note: Assimilation and minority management is a core vic2 mechanic.
  • To get 100% use Any religious/cultural conversion in EU4 converts: Everyone option in frontend options, as that option skips the assimilation process and converts everyone.
  • The assimilation is logarithmic - it will never reach 100% and will slow down every year.
  • Rate of assimilation is defined in configurables/world_supergroups.txt.
  • The rest (peasents, which are a majority, and other pop types) tick approximately at 0.25% per year towards new culture/religion.
  • At the moment of EU4 conversion 100% of aristocrats and 50% of middle strata convert.
  • Conversion via console commands leaves no history entry and is invisible to the converter.
  • From that point on to conversion date, cultures and religions assimilate towards target culture.
  • Converting culture or religion in EU4 leaves behind a history entry in province history.
  • A culture in a different cultural group than primary culture, holding 20%+ population in cored provinces will become an accepted culture.
  • A culture in the same cultural group as primary culture, holding 15%+ population in cored provinces will become an accepted culture.
  • Territories/Trade Company regions are ignored.
  • Accepted cultures are generated by doing a census among country's full/stated EU4 cores.
  • Accepted cultures coming from EU4 are completely ignored.
  • Depending on where the capital is, if the primary culture has changed to a neoculture, it will be updated.
  • Neocultures belong to their original culture's cultural group.
  • Neocultures are either defined in culture_map.txt (english in northern USA become Yankee), or are dynamically generated (nubian in Brazil become Nubian South American).
  • New world will always cause non-native cultures to diverge into "neo-cultures".
  • Cultures are converted according to culture_map.txt.
  • Any date post 1815 is generally a solid point for a meaningful Vic2 game, as the first technologies unlock at 1815, and first political parties at 1830.
  • Converting earlier than 1836 will cause penalties in global literacy levels, so where a country would normally have 60% literacy in 1836, converting in 1000 will see its literacy slashed to 6%.
  • Conversion-date bookmarks can be quite early, chaining converters from CK2 onward, one can play a 769 game in Vic2 engine, though aside for the novelty that is a horrible idea.
  • Converted mod supports 2 bookmarks: 1836 and the conversion date.
  • Without front-end (running the converter manually) or on other OS-es, mod will be exported to converter's output/ folder, and will have to be moved by user.
  • On Windows, and using the front-end, the mod will be copied to Vic2 installation mod/ directory.
  • Converter will produce a Victoria 2 mod.
  • Random New World saves are not supported.
  • europa universalis 4 extended timeline mod how to convert

  • Converter supports compressed save games.
  • EU4, with or without any expansions or DLCs, versions 1.0-1.32 are supported.
  • europa universalis 4 extended timeline mod how to convert

  • Victoria 2 with both expansions is required.
  • Do not be shy to hack away and change them so the conversion fits expected goals. These files are there for a reason - so the user can view them and modify them according to specific needs. Note: The converter includes a configurables/ folder that contains all data files with rules it uses during conversion. For more information feel free to ask for clarifications on forums or take a peek at the code. Here is a general list of Converter capabilities and conversion mechanic explanations.
  • 3 Recent version history and changelogs.
  • 1.14 Diplomacy, Spherelings, Puppets and Personal Unions.
  • 1.11 Cores, States, Territories and Colonies.
  • 1.5.2 Cultural and Religions conversion in EU4.

  • Europa universalis 4 extended timeline mod how to convert